I'll bet you're wondering what this post has to do with liquidating and consigning. Not a thing. You would be correct. There's a "tagging" going on with my cyber-friends and I was tagged by my friend, Mer at Mercedes Rules . It's call "meme".
Here are the rules of this particular meme: Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog. Share 7 facts about yourself. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
So, for some of you who find me by a "search" about liquidating your Mary Kay products, all these things will be new to you. LOL
1. I was adopted when I was 6 hours and old brought home that very night in the thick fog. A one hour drive took 2 1/2 (can you imagine that with a NEW baby? eeeek).
2. When I was 3 or 4 I stuck a necklace up my nose and couldn't get it out. We had to go to the doctor (again 1 hr away). I still don't understand what went wrong in that necklace & nose plan.
3. My husband and I only dated 10 mos from meeting til married and now we've been married over 15 years.
4. When all of my inlaws get together (immediately family only) there are 35 of us.
5. Both of my parents passed away by the time I was 22.
6. I have watched Regis and Kelly (previously Kathie Lee) for 12 years now.
7. Just over a year ago I had no idea what a blog or an avatar was.
And because just about everyone I know has been "meme"d I'm only going to include 3 blog owners in my tag.
Fighting Fatigue
This meme is running around rampant!! Fighting Windmills tagged me, but instead of tagging 7 people, I only tagged two..
Ah! This explains much about you! :) Glad to know a little more of the real you. Now about that autobiography...
The market is saturated! Remind you of anything? coughMLMcough. Anyway, MKLiquidator, thanks for sharing your list. You are brave to participate!
Fantastic list. A necklace in your nose??? Ouch! :)
Hey miss accountable - thanks for commenting and for making every an interesting day for me.
LOL doodle, you are always so sweet. I think I'm too "special" as momster puts it, to be writing an autobiography. Bwahahaha
Hi Sarah! I miss you!!! Well, it's not like I don't get to see your blog and your comments ;) daily, but you know what I mean.
Thanks for commenting InRepair. Yeah about that nose thing. I had a plan and had done it b4 w/no problem, not sure at what point it went bad.
Hi, laughed so hard about the necklace in your nose,brought up memories of my baby sister when she got a toy car wheel up her nose when I was babysitting her. Had to go to the emergency room and of course, I got in trouble.
Happy meme or whatever this is. lol!
WOW-I thought alot about you already. This is a fun game though. I see new names here too-gotta go check them out. About things going into the body-One year I was teaching a lesson and one of my students raised his hand and said "Miss Meredith-I just swaloowed my homework". I had to think a minute-then realized they had to bring something that began with the letter M. His homework was a marble. Then a few weeks ago-a student said he had fuzz up his nose-told him to get it out. His mother is a teacher with me and she texted me later to tell me he had stuck a big chunk of foam from his rest mat up his nose. Goofball! Back to you-whew-you have had some trials to go through.
Love Ya! Mean It!
WOW-just went to pink truth via sarah's blog. LOL Me not wanted there anymore-hehe.
Cool, I enjoy getting to know my friends better!
Thanks for stopping by Angie! Glad you got a good laugh and...yeah, well don't think I didn't get in trouble for doing it to MYSELF.
Hey Mer! You have got some SERIOUSLY freaky children stories. Thank goodness that last episode w/the necklace cured that freaky habit.
Yeah a lot of trials to go through and a lot to be grateful for!
LOL that sneaky sarah....
Hey jazzy! I would have guessed you knew all my secrets....being my evil twin and all. Our birthday party is coming up! You'll always be older. ROFL
Oops sorry, I didn't realize my stupid blogger account was linked to THAT site. LOL!
Bwahahaha ya know what's funny? I was just reading your analytical comments about pants hanging on a telephone wire on mrs' blog. Not that I think yours are....just thought it was funny.
Love your is it meme facts? my family used to be large but afraid it is getting smaller every year. I couldnt wait to get to the big table with the grownups when I was a kid. LOL!
Hey Romona! Thanks for stopping by. Yeah it's called "meme" (not sure what that means, but I will say it's been a ton of fun finding out more about my friends).
It's hard when you are the "older" of the grandkids and are let's say, 14 sitting at a table with 3-6 year olds - the parent's kind of think of you as the instant babysitter. What a job!
Hey there chicky! Hope things are going well for you! Just stopped by to say hi ya!!
Hey chicadee! When are you gonna ge you a wordpress blog just to blog? Waiting...
Hi Winnie! Thanks for stoppin by!
I've been thinking about it Mer! I've been thinking about it.
Maybe after the first of the year when I'm snowed in 3 feet over my head I'll start one.
Waiting on your Wordpress blog!
Me too Mer, I just don't know what to talk about. LOL
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